ڈاکٹر حافظ انس نضر [1] تفسیر قرآن بذریعہ نظم قرآن اور مولانا فراہی کے تفسیری تفردات Abstract Mawlānā Farāhī is the founder of an independent school of thought with regards to the understanding and interpretation of Qur’ān in the subcontinent. The very foundation of this school rests with the cognition of ‘Coherence in between the Qur’ānic verses. He considers Qur’ānic Coherence to be an essential tool in the Exegesis of Qur’an as compared to the conventional method of employing narrations and Aḥādīth. In this paper, his some of those Exegetic diversions are discussed in which he relied solely on his personal understanding of Qur’ānic Coherence while disengaging from narration; especially those that in result did not match with any of the interpretations stated by the scholars of early generations. Similarly, the treatise also includes a comparative study of the Exegesis stated by the majority scholars of the classical school of thought and the selected interpretations of Mawlānā Farāhī’ along with the predominant opinion in the subject matter. مولانا حمید الدین فراہی رحمہ اللہ (متوفیٰ 1930م) نے اپنی تفاسیر میں جن اصولوں کو بنیاد بنایاہے، ان میں سے ایک ’نظم قرآن‘ بھی ہے۔ وہ تفسیر کرتے وقت سورت یا آیت کا ما قبل و مابعد اس طرح مدنظر رکھتے ہیں کہ ان |