Maktaba Wahhabi

44 - 126
ڈاکٹر حافظ حمزہ مدنی [1] ’استدراکاتِ صحابہ ‘رضی اللہ عنہم کی نوعیت اور تحقیقی مطالعہ Abstract In the technical verification of the Prophet’s Ḥadīth, another commonly used term along with Riwāyah is Dirāyah. In the opinion of Muḥaddithīn, Dirāyah refers to the textual verification of the Ḥadīth with regards to exceptional or esoteric digressions (i.e. ‘Ilal and Shdhūdh) in the text along with the validity of the chain of narrators and the credibility of the narrators themselves. However, the modern concept of Dirāyah implies rejecting any Ḥadīth that appears to be unreasonable to one’s logic and the understanding of Qur’ān. According to this approach, understanding of Qur’ān mainly refers to the critic’s personal understanding. In the same way, by logic, the proponents of this concept in practice refer to their personal logic and reasoning. This modern concept of Dirāyah is the concept of contemporary reformists and modernists and was mainly advocated in the subcontinent of Indo-Pak by Mawlānā Taqī Amīnī and in the Arab world by Shaykh Muḥammad al-Ghazālī. In this treatise, Mawlānā Taqī Amīnī’s idea of Dirāyah is critically analyzed and presented. دور جدید میں اصطلاح سازی کے رستے اپنے ذاتی افکار کو متعلقہ علوم کی بنیاد بنانے کی کوشش کی گئی ہے ۔ بعض اوقات ایک عام مسلمان تو کجا اچھا خاصا عالم فاضل شخص بھی ان اصطلاحات کے غلط استعمال میں تذبذب کا شکار
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