ڈاکٹر حافظ عبد الرحمٰن مدنی[1] ڈاکٹرحافظ حسین اَزہر [2] امام بخاری رحمہ اللہ کا تصور قیاس: تحقیقی و تجزیاتی مطالعہ Analogy is the fourth source of Islamic Shariah through which Shariah expansions and developments are found on the basis of common causes in consonance with the cotemporary needs and requirements. Some people started refuting its validity due to excessive use of it by certain thinkers/ researchers. This tendency created a trend of extraordinary increase and decrease in the use of analogy. Each one of both the groups has included Imam Bukhari in their que to trengthen the point of view of their school. Keeping this in view, this was felt that the concept of Imam Bukhari with regard to the Analogy should be clarified and interpreted in its true perspective. An impartial and in depth study of Imam Bukhari makes it crystal clear that he not only accepts the Analogy as a source of Shariah but also makes it a touch stone for logical reasoning at some occasions. However, he is against its excessive use. He has attempted to persuade the people to use it in a moderate manner. He appears to have imposed some restrictions and conditions on the text and |