ڈاکٹر حافظ محمد زبیر [1] ڈاکٹر حافظ حسین ازہر [2] قانون اتمام حجت اور قانون جہاد: ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ Abstract Law of Itmām al-Hujjah (Conclusive Contention) and the Law of Jihād (Armed Struggle): An Analytical Study This article presents the analytical and critical study of Jāwayd AHmad Ghāmidī’s argument of Law of Conclusive Contention (itmām al-Hujjah) and the Law of Armed Struggle (jihād). According to Mr. Ghāmidī, the form of offensive armed struggle (Jihad al-Qudūmī) which the Qur’ān discusses is impermissible after the departure of Prophet Muhmmad (SAW) from this world as it was specified for him alone and his time. However, a defensive armed-struggle (Jihād al-Difā‘ī) is permitted. He argues that the offensive Jihād carried out by the Messenger SAW was in fact a form of retribution against those who denied his Prophethood once it was clarified. He calls this penance to be the law of Itmām al-Hujjah as such punishment embraced even earlier generations as well who denied the Divine Messages brought by their respective Messengers. In the view of the author, this opinion does not conform to the guidelines that are given by the Qur’ān and Sunnah regarding offensive armed-struggle. 22 جنوری 2015ء کو روزنامہ جنگ میں محترم جاوید احمد غامدی صاحب کا ایک کالم بعنوان’’اسلام اور |