Maktaba Wahhabi

11 - 114
ڈاکٹر حافظ حمزہ مدنی [1] قاری محمد مصطفی راسخ[2] تحقیق حدیث میں از روئے متن شذوذ و علت کی مباحث: تحقیقی مطالعہ Abstract Arguments on Shūdhūdh (aberrations) and ‘Illah (hidden defects) are some of the most important and complex studies in the sciences of Prophetic narrations. In this treatise, principles and fundamental rules that relate to the aberrations and hidden defects found in the text (Matan) and the chain of narrations (Sanad) of Ḥadīth are discussed. Moreover, it is also concluded that in the verification of Ḥadīth, there is no distinction in between the rules for the verification of Matan and those that are thought to be for Sanad. In fact the standard for the verification is mainly relied upon the reliability of Sanad primarily and not Matan. Almost all the arguments that we come across with regards to the verification of the text of Ḥadīth in the books of Uṣul al-Ḥadīth, the conclusion implies reverification of the Sanad or the chain of narration. Therefore, to declare Matan to be the benchmark of its own verification seems incongruous. بحث اول: شذوذ فی المتن تمام معاجم او رکتب لغات کے تناظر میں غور کرنے سے یہ بات واضح ہوتی ہے کہ مجموعی طور پر لفظ ’شاذ‘ کلام عرب میں ’’شذّ یشذّ شذوذا‘‘انفرادیت، ندرت، اجنبیت، قلت، افتراق او رکسی چیز کا عمومی قاعدے،
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